Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Recovering Histrionic Storyteller

As a recovering Storyteller, you keep your buoyancy and color, but now, because the Love compass point is balanced with the humility of Weakness, you are sensitive to people’s signals that they’ve heard enough funny stories.

Amazed by the genuine dialogue that ensues, you form relationships with increased depth and feel relaxed even when not in the limelight. Hidden insecurity is replaced by optimistic serenity.

Histrionic Storyteller Self Compass

As a recovering Storyteller: 
  • You stop to listen to other’s points of view.
  • You breathe more fully and speak with a slower delivery so that others are able to take in what you’re saying (the Strength compass point in rhythm with Weakness). 
  • You grow to enjoy more time alone, in quiet contemplation or in pursuit of hobbies.
  • Greater discipline in thinking and decision-making helps tap your intellectual potential (Strength compass point). 
  • By developing more confidence and capability, you no longer feel the need for center stage.  
  • Though you help others feel better with a lively and positive attitude, you acknowledge that it is normal to feel down sometimes
The Virtue of Good Cheer

With a fuller use of the Self Compass, the recovering Storyteller reaps the virtue of good cheer:
  • Makes life exciting, colorful and humorous.
  • Loves to laugh and play. 
  • Gregarious.
  • Doesn’t take the world too seriously.
  • Feels lighthearted most of the time.
  • Always ready for an adventure or surprise.
Instead of predictably patterned behavior, the Self Compass now offers you 360 degrees of choice to use as appropriate for any given situation.  

Now you are freed develop your own individual style in Christ. Precious in his eyes, there is no one else like you, because “the very hairs of your head are all numbered” (Mt 10:30).

For more, read: THE SELF COMPASS: Charting Your Personality in Christ

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